“Robert was a wonderful coach! What I really liked was that he took a more holistic approach to coaching/training. He took the time to find out and understand my values and how that applied to the way I approached nutrition and movement and then integrated them into my personalized programs. It really was tailored to who I am, where I was at that point (physically and mentally) and what brought me the most joy. Having said that, he also made sure to incorporate challenges, with the primary goal of making me stronger and more resilient. One particular challenge I liked was actually not exercise-related; it was to challenge the way I treated myself on days when I don’t have a “successful” workout session. Firstly, I needed to redefine that word and secondly, I learned to be more patient and graceful with myself on days when I couldn’t give 110% and I credit my conversations with Robert for helping shape that self-compassion.”

- Jovylyn, Senior Scientist

“I've been working with Robert for well over a year at this point and I've been most struck by just how patient and holistic he is overall. Robert not only helps me plan fitness routines and helps give me larger guidelines about my diet, but he checks in about my larger goals, and helps me build steps and practices that help better facilitate my overall well-being. When I work with Robert, I feel seen as a person and not just a problem to be solved or a series of numbers to be moved. Robert's regular check-ins are essential, but above all, he's a voice offering kindness when I so rarely want to give it to myself. With Robert, I'm so much more aware that my body and training is not a test of willpower or moral fiber, but a chance to explore and enjoy what my body is and what it can do, and I'll always be grateful for that.”

- TJ, Associate Professor

“Build Brave Training taught me that it's not just about building muscle, it's about building healthy habits, building hope, and building a commitment to your values.”

- Marc, Community Organizer

“I came to Robert because I was having pain in my body and wanted to be stronger. I can see my strength increasing, have a better understanding of my body and am in less pain. He tailored a program to my personality to ensure I stayed motivated and had a program that was sustainable for me. Robert is a good communicator throughout the process, flexible, attentive and compassionate in his approach. Robert's holistic approach, focusing on not only physical health but beyond is what has made this program stand out.”

- Maria, General Manager

“Robert is compassionate, responsive and admirably flexible. I didn’t have a very clear idea about what I wanted to achieve when we began to work together; all I knew is that I was frustrated with how my body felt and that my current regimen wasn’t working. Robert listened and curated exercises based on my own imperfect understanding of my body’s capabilities. We then grew the program together, evolving and changing, responding to injuries and setbacks, integrating his ideas and knowledge about sleep, diet and other forms of fitness along the way. Due to his care and engagement, my body feels stronger and more resilient, and so does the rest of me.”

- Dan, Professor